FOR PREGNANT WOMEN , Pregnant , Can HPV Vaccination ?

One way to prevent infection Human Papilloma Virus ( HPV ) vaccination is by doing . But whether vaccination of women can do during pregnancy ?
According to the obstetrician of the Faculty of Medicine, University Hospital Ciptomangunkusumo ( Faculty of medicine / RSCM ) Laila Nuranna , vaccination should not be performed during pregnancy . " Vaccination feared would affect the health of the fetus , " he said in a symposium doctor .

In contrast , vaccination actually done before sexually active . " HPV is transmitted through sexual contact . So , it's best to avoid infection , vaccination done before ever having sexual intercourse , " said Laila . But if it's too late , vaccination can still be done , as long as it is not planning a pregnancy are in the program for the first and second injections .

Specialists in internal medicine faculty of medicine / RSCM Iris Renggani expressed in the same occasion , the stages of HPV vaccination consists of 3 injections , ie at month 0 , 2 , and 6 . " For the first and second injections should be in accordance with the rules of the two- month interval , but it can be done for all three injections a year later . Among the second and third injections is okay if pregnant , " said Iris .
HPV vaccination is performed after delivery or have been sexually active , Iris said , should be preceded by screening . Screening can be done in two ways: pap smear and Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid ( VIA) . Screening aims to detect the presence of HPV infection .
Iris adds , HPV is a virus that can not be detected so smart by the body's immune system . Benefits of HPV vaccination is to produce antibodies that coat the virus can not enter the cells .

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