some the symptoms of patients with breast cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. According to statistics, the incidence of cancer in the whole body occupies 7-10 % , is the second most common cancer of the uterus . The effect is often associated with genetic and age between 40-60 years. Women before and after menopause have a higher prevalence .
Symptoms of breast cancer
The symptoms of breast cancer at an early stage

In general , no pain, sometimes excruciating pain or pain. Some patients with breast cancer in early stage, even if it is a palpable mass is obvious, but the discomfort often arises in the region.
1 . Changing breast shape : protrusions visible on the skin in some areas of the skin to peel ' orange , as well as swelling , discoloration, eczema and similar .
2 . Without an ipsilateral breast pain , just a small bump grows , mostly located in the upper outer quadrant of the breast.
3 . Retract the center of the nipple . The skin of the chest slightly lower ( in terms of drug called " dimple disease " ) , erosion and nipples or asymmetrical thickening and roughness of the skin of the breast, large pores (in terms of medicine called "la" orange skin disease ) .
4 . Gland ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes and hard. In the later stages , the ' ipsilateral supraclavicular palpable in the armpit.
5 . Little Known bloody discharge , watery liquid .
The symptoms of primary breast cancer in women in the scene.

some the symptoms of patients with breast cancer

Breast cancer is one of the cancers that are vulnerable in anguish by women. The incidence rates of breast cancer are getting younger . Breast cancer at an early stage in a very high rate of recovery if do early diagnosis and treatment.
Breast cancer at an early stage , when touched, usually did not find any obvious lumps in the breast . But often feel discomfort in the region. Especially for women after menopause, when a slight pain on the side of the chest and shoulders feel heavy and achy feeling disadvantages also extend to the upper arm , probably a sign of breast cancer at an early stage .
The symptoms of breast cancer in men Stadium defeat.

some the symptoms of patients with breast cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women, about 1-2% of patients with breast cancer are men. Although few men who develop breast cancer , but still need to be taken to prevent the onset of breast cancer.
1 . Bump that does not cause pain. This is the first symptom is often discovered by men. The bumps are usually located under the areola , precisely in the center of male breast glandular tissue , tumor growth is relatively fast, the tumor boundary is unclear.
2 . Changes skin on the breast . It is a symptom of breast or muscle adhesions in patients with skin cancer in men breast.
3 . Abnormalities on the nipple . 20% of patients nipples men enter and scabies .
4 . Nipple. Nipple discharge patients more likely the presence of breast cancer in humans, but not taken into account.
5 . Grandular sap . Many patients before the diagnosis of breast cancer after male to detect the presence of axillary lymph nodes.

some the symptoms of patients with breast cancer

Thank you to read the article "SOME THE SYMPTOMS OF PATIENTS WITH BREAST CANCER" after my last update, entitled "danger" SOME SYMPTOMS OF WITH CERVICAL CANCER"  in XTRA NEWS AND HEALTH blog.


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