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Sport is undoubtedly an important factor to maintain fitness and health . However, for owners of high cholesterol , exercise can be a dangerous thing , especially vigorous exercise makes heart work harder .
Metabolic and endocrine effects health experts of the Department of Internal Medicine, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital ( RSCM ) dr Em Yunir , SPPD , KEMD said vigorous exercise can be harmful to the owners of high cholesterol levels already have an accumulation of plaque in blood vessels. Because intense exercise increases the work of the heart and increases the risk of plaque whatever blood vessels.
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Create a high cholesterol , weight sports can Dangers |
The plates were released, he added , will be carried into the bloodstream and eventually clog small blood vessels to burst . Rupture of blood vessels in the brain can lead to strokes and heart if it would result in a heart attack.
"Usually, fatty deposits (plaques ) are no longer the blood vessels and when carried to the blood vessels are smaller clog ," he said when met on Wednesday ( 09.12.2013 ) at Jakarta.
Yunir explained, when things do not work, plaques in the blood vessels are not to block blood flow in spite of the reduction in the size of ships. As the heart works harder , the blood flow will be faster and increases the risk of plaque is.
For this reason , owners are advised to exercise a high cholesterol is a sport with a low to moderate intensity. " Walking and swimming can be an option ," said Yunir .
Cholesterol is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, especially the "bad" cholesterol called low-density lipoprotein (LDL). "Bad" cholesterol will be a plaque in the blood vessels that take a long time to block the flow of blood that makes blood vessels vulnerable to rupture.
The risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced by keeping cholesterol levels remained normal . Normal cholesterol numbers are different for each person , depending on how much a person has risk factors such as heredity, diet , smoking and age.
In general, normal cholesterol levels below 200 mg / dl (total), with LDL levels below 100 mg / dl , HDL or good cholesterol above 60 mg / dl , and triglycerides below 150 mg / dl .
High cholesterol does not usually cause symptoms , laboratory tests , if necessary to determine the levels of the organization .
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